Plastic Square Trolley Containers

Plastic Square Trolley Containers

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    Special Features

    • Tough and Durable.
    • Ideal for plant transportation.
    • Easy and smooth transportation being light-weight.
    • Used in Chemical, Electronics, Fabric and Engineering Industries Etc.
    • Tray are available in Natural White, Blue colour Etc.
    • We also manufacture various fabricated trolley structures of superior quality.

    Range & Specifications

    All size are in mm.

    Sr. no. Model No. Capacity Length Width Height 
    1PSC - 150 150 Litres 900900200
    2PSC - 250250 Litres 13001300200
    3PSC - 300300 Litres 900900400
    4PSC - 500500 Litres 13001300400
    5PSC - 550550 Litres 900900800